When it comes to golf instruction the internet has definitely changed a couple of things. There seems to be more material than you could ever absorb in a lifetime.
And you can find a lot of contradicting instruction and golf tips if you take a look around. So the question remains if you can improve your swing with the help of online tutorials and videos?
One of the oldest websites that offers golf video tutorials is www.rotaryswing.com.
The site was founded by the golf instructor Chuck Quinton in 2004 and claims to offer “Step-by-Step Instruction to a Biomechanically Perfect Golf Swing”. Is it still solid advice in 2022 and can the membership site actually help you to play better golf? We’ll find out.
This article is an honest review of the site telling you my opinion about the free and paid membership levels, what they have to offer and if it’s worth to invest your time and money into the program.
Let’s dive in!
The First Impression

When you take a first look at the site you are bombarded with a lot of hypie marketing claims like “ONE Drill to your most CONSISTENT Golf EVER!” or “Best Online Golf Instruction”.
But can Rotaryswing.com keep their promises for a change?
The design of the site is professional and everything is clear, readable and easy to navigate.
Unfortunately you can’t really get an impression of the content before you’ve set up an account.
You can create a new account fast and easy with any e-mail. If you join you’ll receive a couple of e-mails and from then on a couple of marketing emails.
So no spam. That’s good.
The Free Membership

Once you’ve signed in you’ll get access to the limited free content and will be constantly teased to try out the paid membership.
With your free membership you’ll get access to a couple of videos and can take a look around. Unfortunately there isn’t a lot of free content to watch. So the free membership isn’t really worth your time.
I think the free content is too limited to get a good impression of the system but I can also understand that they don’t want to give away everything for free.
If you don’t decide to invest in the paid membership you’ll go through the content pretty fast and get some general concepts about what Rotaryswing tries to accomplish with it’s systematic approach. Not much more to talk about here.
The free membership is obviously just a teaser for the paid membership and doesn’t give away a lot. But who expected anything else?
The Paid Membership

At a price of $47 per month or $197.97 per year they offer a lot of content that accumulated over the years.
On top you can buy swing reviews so you get direct feedback on your own swing. These were included in the membership a couple of years ago and give you a detailed view on your own swing including drills you should try.
I’d say they are still good value for your money although I must admit that I haven’t tried them once they went to charge extra for them.
Now let’s talk about the content in the membership area.
There are three main swing concepts you can dive into. The newest addition is called the AXIOM. Then there is the so called DEAD Drill and finally the classic RST System.
I will tell you my opinion of each concept so you can make up your mind if you want to join the paid membership.

The Axiom is the newest addition to the Rotary Swing online instruction. It all started with a simple video that explains a simple concept. This general concept of the Axiom gets directly to the point and can be used by any golfer.
Out of respect I can’t disclose the idea here. But I can tell you that it’s a description of a swing feeling that anyone can incorporate into their golf swing. The feeling revolves around your right foot (for right handed golfers) and I must admit that it’s really clever and will help a lot of golfers to play better golf.
The best thing about the Axiom is that you don’t need to practice it for a long time or need to keep in mind any technical thoughts. It really boils down to one single feeling which you can use immediately after you’ve watched the video.
Of course it’s not the be all and end all concept for everybody. But I can absolutely see how this single concept can help every golfer at any skill level to hit the ball better.
I’d say the Axiom alone is worth the price for one month of membership. So definitely check it out if you can.
Over the last year the AXIOM was extended with more detailed videos that bridge the gap towards the more complex and technical aspects of the DEAD Drill.
The DEAD Drill

The DEAD Drill is a specific set of simple drills that have the purpose to build a solid and consistent golf swing. It’s basically one simple drill that is broken down into six steps for you. [clearboth]
- Step 1 – The Backswing
- Step 2 – The Transition
- Step 3 – The Post Up
- Step 4 – Add the Lead Arm
- Step 5 – Add the Club
- Step 6 – Add the Trail Arm
Each step is described in a short and concise video.
I personally really like the idea of the Dead Drill and I think it breaks down a solid golf swing to six simple steps that anyone can do. It’s more or less a simplified version of the old RST System that you’ve also access too.
The Dead Drill is a great addition to the Rotary Swing Membership site and is a simple way to build a solid golf swing. Try it! You won’t be disappointed.
RST – Rotary Swing – Tour Swing

The main content is structured systematically into different sections of the full golf swing (They call their system the “Rotary Swing – Tour Swing”): [clearboth]
- Introduction
- Setup
- Weight Shift
- Takeaway
- Backswing
- Downswing
- Follow Through
Each section contains several videos and builds on each other.
The videos are very straight forward and have no fluff or entertainment but they aren’t dry. They either teach you some concepts or give you some drills to use on your own time.
You also get some bonus sections that deal with hitting the driver, golf fitness and faults and fixes. Overall there are easily 10 hours of video tutorials to watch if you want to absorb everything.
I think you get the most out of the site if you go through the content in order and send in your swing for your reviews on a regular basis. This requires a lot of effort on your part, of course. But I think it’s absolutely worth it.
I also think that the system is great for refining your swing during the off season or for rainy days when you are unable to hit the course.
Most of the drills can be done in the comfort of your own home and you don’t even need to swing a club necessarily as they try to teach you seperate motions on a step-by-step basis.
Video Examples
Here are some video examples of what you can expect of the DEAD Drill and the RST System of RotarySwing.com.
Dead Drill Introduction
Here you get an overview of the Dead Drill and every Step.
RST System Introduction
The founder Chuck Quinton talks about the key points of his program and what the main differences to other programs, videos and books are.
Can you learn a sound golf swing with Rotaryswing alone?
I’d say yes and no. It honestly depends what your swing faults are and what type of learning style you prefer.
Some people do great with videos and drills. Other people just need a professional golf instructor that can interact with them and bend them into the positions they need to feel.
Especially if you are a low handicapper you probably need personal instruction to get the details right that can bring you to the next level. Remote diagnosis just doesn’t cut it there.
In general I’d say that RotarySwing.com can definitely help most high to mid handicappers to play better if they invest the time, do the drills and go through the systems step by step.
You get a good understanding of what makes up a functional golf swing, what factors control the club face and what you need to focus on to gain better control over your shots.
The biggest crux of the system is that you need to be very diligent to benefit from it. As with anything in golf you get out of it what you put into it.
On top the systems are heavily biased on the full swing. There’s only little information on putting and the short game.
Doesn’t The System Screw Up My Natural Swing?
The thing about Rotary Swing is that they try to teach general concepts – yet are very precise with their instruction.
This may seem like a contradiction. And at first the instruction videos and drills seem like monkey see monkey do.
But once you’ve mastered a couple of the moves you’ll get the idea that they are only teaching general elements of the golf swing and leave more than enough room for your individual nuances.
I think they do a great job of teaching you what, why and how to accomplish certain things in your golf swing without being too dogmatic about it.
They try to sell you the idea more than once that they are teaching the anatomical perfect golf swing that prevents injuries and is the way to go.
And without a doubt you will find certain instructions that contradict other golf instructors and golf books.
This style may not be for everybody especially if you are used to play more by feel and like to grind it out.
People who like to have a clear path they can folow can benefit greatly from the RotarySwing System, though.
The Verdict
RotarySwing.com is a great website if you want to learn a functional golf swing and like a systematic approach that you can follow on your own time. You still need to to go through the content and do the drills to see good results. Don’t expect something from nothing.
Try RotarySwing.com Today
Step 1: Click the “Try Rotary Swing” Button
Step 2: If you like what you see. Sign up for a paid membership and start to improve your game.
In The Interest Of Full Transparency
I earn a small commission with every paid membership that results through a link from my site. That being said I kept this review as honest as possible and I wouldn’t promote Rotary Swing if I wasn’t fully convinced that the content and service could help you to play better golf.
I wasn’t paid to write this review and it reflects my personal and honest opinion.
If you are still on the fence just try out the free membership and check Rotary Swing out for yourself. You’ve got nothing to lose here.
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