Golf is a very social game. We have our own language and our own way to dress and behave on the course.
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Every time I am on the course, it almost seems like I am suddenly in another small world.
The best thing you can do to accelerate your learning exponentially is to connect with better players.
Most people do not do this for several reasons. Maybe they are too proud. Golf is a competitive sport.
Being competitive might be good. Letting your pride stand in your own way is not.
Another reason might be that they consider it being rude talking to players they do not know yet.
Being polite and respectful is part of the etiquette. Once you start talking to people who seem to be interesting players to you, you will learn a lot faster.
And while you are picking their brains, you will gain new friendships as well.
When you are playing alone, just ask people if you can join their flight. When you are on the course, always look for some new faces to play with.
You do not want to be rude or annoying, of course. If someone does not want to talk to you or play with you excuse yourself and move on.
If you manage to connect with the best players at your local club, you basically arrived at the knowledge pool of golf wisdom.
Those players usually have a lot of talent and experience you can benefit from.
You know that it is rude to give advice to other players on the course but if you ask for their opinion that is okay.
If you are honest and up front and tell them that you want to learn from them, they are usually happy to help you out.
Talking to and playing with better players is especially good, if you want to learn about course management.
Because they are usually not struggling as much with their swings as beginners are they focused more on how to handle the course.
- Connect with experienced players in your local club.
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