You probably already know that you don not want your chip shots landing right next to the flag.
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You want them to land on the green and roll towards the flag.
So to hole chipping shots you have to be precise with your landing spots.
This exercise will help you to develop a feel for the kind of accuracy you should be striving for.
Go to the chipping green and take 5 to 10 balls out of your bag.
But you do not try to hole your first ball. Simply chip it somewhere on the green.
Your goal with your next shot is to hit your first ball. Again, you do not want to land your second ball on your first but let it roll towards it.
Then after your second ball came to rest it becomes the target for your third shot and so on.
When you chip a ball off of the green simply use the ball from before as a target.
After some time of doing this you will be surprised how often you will be able to actually hit the ball or get considerably close.
If you want to add some pressure, you can even put up some rules.
E.g. you will not stop practising before you made 3, 5 or 10 hits in a row.
Because your balls will come to rest on a different spot each time you have to adjust where you want your chip shots to land.
You should also change your clubs during exercise (e.g. nine iron, even iron, sand wedge) and vary your starting position.
With that much variance you get more experience with your chipping a lot faster than you would by chipping with one club to the same flag from the same position all the time.
- Take out 5 to 10 balls on the chipping green.
- Chip one ball on the green.
- Try to hit your first ball with your second chip shot.
- Try to get a chain going – multiple hits, one after the other.
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