Being calm and focused in the short game area is key. Nothing is more frustrating than turning a birdie opportunity into a bogey or even a double bogey.
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It happened to me as it probably did to you, because we rushed the putt or executed our chipping poorly. To work on your short game do the following exercises.
Rest for 30 seconds between each exercise. Use that time to brace yourself or go to the next practice facility. Do the training circuit at least two times.
3 min – warm-up: Warm up by practising your putting stroke and the execution of your chipping.
Do whatever you like to get comfortable with your clubs and yourself.
5 min – Five in a row: Take five balls and place them with increasing distances around a hole. The first ball 2 feet away, the second 3 feet and so on. Then start putting. Your goal is to make five putts in a row. If you miss, start again from the 2 feet distance. If you make 5 in a row, repeat at another hole.
10 min – Chip shooting: Chip to a flag. You get 4 tries. Your goal is to accumulate 10 points.
If you hole it, you get 5. If the ball comes to rest in 1 foot distance, you get 3 points. If it sits in a 3 feet distance, you get 2 points.
5 min – Pitching for points: Same scoring as before, but this time you use your hole shag bag and try to accumulate as many points as possible during your 5 minutes.
Do pitches from at least 30 yards from the hole.
- Do the training circuit at least two times in a row.
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