If you are a beginning golfer and still struggle with breaking 100 consistently there’s one thing you should always keep in the back of your mind.
And that is: Keep the ball in play! According to statistics by golfTec you only need to hit two fairways per round to break 100.
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That might not seem like a lot, because it isn’t.
On the other hand if your remaining 16 tee shots are flying out of bounds, deep into the rough (never to be found again), or directly into the water hazard you won’t make this statistic.
Reducing those penalty shots as well as your number of three putts are the keys to breaking 100 fast.
Picking the Right Club and Shot for Your Task
So a good rule of thumb is the 7-out-of-10-rule. Ask yourself with every shot if you would be able to make it 7 out of 10 times.
If the answer is no, take a different approach.
The reason is simply that working your way towards the green slowly but surely will help your score more than trying to hit your maximum distance with every shot.
Many people are too proud to play this way, unfortunately.
But if your third tee shot is finally a good one and you’ve already collected three penalty strokes you might have been better of to hit three short iron shots instead of trying to go for the big guns three times in a row.
Take the clubs you are comfortable with in the beginning and you will keep the ball in play and your score down.
Drop, or Chip it Back Onto the Fairway
You’ve probably heard this a dozen times already but it’s true.
If you find yourself in trouble with a very difficult shot (e.g. out of thick rough over some trees and bushes) drop or chip your ball back onto the fairway, if possible.
The statistics don’t lie here. It might not be heroic or sexy but it will keep your ball in play.
The reason is still the same. If you whiff the ball or move it a couple of inches with two strokes a drop or well calculated chip would have saved your day.
Plus if you use this approach the better lie will make your next shot go so much further that you’ll get closer to the target with the same amount of shots, even if you think that you lose distance by dropping or chipping it on the fairway.
Know Your Big Trouble Shots
After a couple of rounds even a beginning golfer who’s striving for breaking 100 for the first time will get a feel for which shots cost him the most during a round.
Whether it’s sculled chip shots that went into the rough, tee shots that sliced out of bounds or pitches that went too far; if you know your big trouble shots you will know when you need to be especially careful or rethink your strategy for the next shot.
Maybe go one club down or a couple more practice swings until you feel comfortable.
Follow these tips, keep your ball in play and you’ll be breaking 100 in no time. Good luck and go hit some!
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