
Playing Under the Bridge – Short Game Golf Lesson

120 Timeless Golf Lessons

Some people always use too much force with their chipping.

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Chipping is definitely more about feel than force.

The following drill will help you to use the right swing with your chipping. To do that balance a club on a water bottle.

The clubhead should be near the bottle to balance the shaft.

It sounds harder than it actually is. If you want to, you can build a small bench out of a club and two buckets from the range, too.

To practice effectively you do not really need any expensive training equipment, because you can do so much with the simple things around you. Now place yourself behind your bridge.

You should be aiming at a hole. Your goal is to hit normal chip shots without hitting your bridge.

You obviously do not want to stand too close to it. This obstacle will force you to swing at a normal pace with your chip shots hitting the ball with a good downward action.

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The  obstacle forces you to keep your swing low and hit down at the ball.

Whenever you try to lift the ball up by swinging higher you will knock off the club of the water bottle. It also promotes the right action of your hands.

If you let them break down like so many golfers do, you will also hit the club on the water bottle.

While exercising keep in mind all the important aspects of chipping. Keep your weight forward throughout the swing. Focus on the position of your upper body.

It should not move from side to side. Keep your feet in the proper distance. Always think about brushing the grass.

You do not want to help the ball by scooping, but using the loft of your clubs. Do this exercise from different distances, lies and with different clubs. As always, diversity is your fastest route to success.

  • Build a small bench by balancing a club on a water bottle.
  • Practice chipping under it without hitting the club.
  • Do this from different distances, lies and with different clubs.






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