Tag: golf swing
Throw in the Towel – Long Game Golf Lesson
A towel can be a great training aid for your golf swing. And the best thing is, you most likely have it with you on the range. Doing drills with it can help you to understand your swing arc and rhythm. Do the following two drills for a couple of minutes each and hit some balls in-between. First move…
Back to School – Mental Game Golf Lesson
Having a sound understanding of the ball flight laws is crucial, if you want to improve your swing in any respect. If you know what your typical ball flights are, you can conclude what you are doing during your swing. As the famous golf teacher John Jacobs said: Golf is what the ball does. Go on the internet and…
Is This a Trick? – Long Game Golf Lesson
Have you seen a golf trick shot show yet? If not, I can recommend it. At least search for some videos on the internet and be amazed. Trick shot artists are usually very good golfers, too. The interesting thing is that these trick shots actually need a lot of golf fundamentals to work out and most of the…
Routine is Everything! – Mental Game Golf Lessons
Being able to perform consistently is one of the key factors to successful golf. Take a closer look at the pros in big tournaments. They do exactly the same before each shot. To fall back on routine makes it easier for the human mind to feel comfortable in stressful situations because you know exactly what to do. So you…
3 Death Moves You Must Avoid if You Want to Play Consistently
There are certain moves in a golf swing that can be seen universally on all driving ranges of the planet – death moves that can wreck anybodies game. Most often these moves occur with golfers who rely on learning the game by feel alone. Unfortunately the golf swing needs different moves and timing compared to…
Rerouted Paths – Ryan Moore Golf Swing Analysis
Ryan Moore, born December 5, 1982, came into focus with his recent win at the CIMB Classic 2013. Although he had a successful amateur career he did not have an equipment or apparel sponsorship for most of 2009. Ryan sports one of the more unconventional swings on the tour which teaches an important lesson to…