Tag: Mental Game
Step Into the Zone – Mental Game Golf Lesson
Some athletes talk about being in the zone when everything seems to be happening automatically. When every move they make is just right. For golf that mental state would be very hard to achieve, because a single round takes such a long time with long pauses in between shots. And most importantly, you are not reacting to…
Pressure Cooker – Mental Game Golf Lesson
If you want to play in tournaments, there is one skill that you have to be really good at with your mental game. I think it is being able to focus your mind like a laser beam while cutting off all possible distractions. It is a good idea to work on this skill set deliberately. Can you remember…
How Serious are you About Golf? – Mental Game Golf Lesson
We live in a world that is ever moving faster. Most seldom we think we are keeping up. Most importantly we always think that we have to keep up. Is that true for your game of golf, too? Taking a sense of urgency into the game of golf can be one of the worst things you can do.…
Learning to Lose – Mental Game Golf Lesson
Let‘s face it, golf is mostly a game about playable misses and you learn most from your mistakes. So if you want to learn fast, you have to make a lot of mistakes fast. That can make you feel like a loser. So did you ever think beforehand, how you want to deal with missed shots in important…
Back to School – Mental Game Golf Lesson
Having a sound understanding of the ball flight laws is crucial, if you want to improve your swing in any respect. If you know what your typical ball flights are, you can conclude what you are doing during your swing. As the famous golf teacher John Jacobs said: Golf is what the ball does. Go on the internet and…
Birdie Book – Mental Game Golf Lesson
You have probably seen the professional caddies using a birdie book on broadcasts of golf tournaments. They are a valuable tool for course management and understanding the course. Do you have a birdie book for your local golf course? If not, I want you to start one right now. You can even use your journal, if you like to.…