What goes through your mind when you are performing your golf shots?
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Most people I asked this question could not really remember or made something up that might not be necessarily true.
The next time you are out try to focus on what is going through your mind while playing.
This is difficult, because by actively trying to observe your own behaviour you are already influencing yourself. Just do the best you can do.
For most people it is actually not just a single thought that is going through their mind, but all kinds of things.
This is natural and explains why you probably could not remember something specific in the first place.
For most good players it is most often something positive and simple they are thinking of, something like “hit the fairway” or “swing to the finish”.
They usually do not think of something mechanical or their swing )e.g. “keep the head down”, “cock your wrists”).
Just before you hit the ball, think of something simple that is not mechanical and make it part of your routine.
It could be something easy like counting to three. Starting your backswing with one and making contact with three.
Or something visual like seeing the ball flying and landing as you want it to.
This will not only set your mind in a positive state, but also force your mind to focus on the task at hand.
It is somewhat like a mantra. If you do this on a regular basis, you will notice that you are less likely to be distracted and more in the moment for each shot.
Experiment and try different thoughts and see what works for you. But say them deliberately in your mind before each shot to incorporate them into your pre-shot routine.
- Think about some swing thoughts that could benefit your game.
- They have to be positive and non-mechanical.
- Incorporate them into your pre-shot routine.
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