Can you point a finger on why you play golf? Is it the beautiful courses? The thundering sound of a long and straight drive? Or is it a clutch lag putt that drops to save PAR?
For me it’s all of these things and more. Unfortunately, golf instruction seems to have lost its passion for the game. The core of golf still is (and always has been) to get the ball in the hole with the fewest possible shots.
It’s not about having the most beautiful golf swing or about learning how to imitate certain positions and angles with your golf club or body.
Why You Don’t Improve
It’s not about the information or the tools. In fact, there was never a time before when you had so much detailed information about golf technique at your fingertips.
There are more than enough books and videos that repeat common golf instruction over and over. Nothing wrong with the information … but somehow casual golfers don’t improve.
There are two big problems with the teaching of most golf pros and online golf instruction.
Problem #1 – Focusing on the Symptom Instead of Your Golf
Of course, a slice is bad or hitting behind the ball is bad. But what does that help you to play better golf?
And how can you change these symptoms for the better?
If you are trying to learn the violin and someone keeps telling you that your experiments with the instrument sound awful, are you suddenly able to play better? Of course not!
But somehow people expect that effect in golf.
A better way is to communicate for change, so you as an individual learn to improve on your own.
We do that by identifying and focusing on your strengths. Building in you a deep understanding for the game and yourself – so you can become your own golf coach.
Problem #2 – Treating Yourself Like a Robot
Do you know the Iron Byron swing machine? It’s a machine that is being used to test golf clubs.
You stick a club into the machine, punch in some numbers and the robot makes perfect golf swings, one after another – like there’s no tomorrow.
Now many golf instructors seem to think that this consistency and accuracy might be something to aspire for their students or for themselves.
Looking at numbers, angles and simulations all day long. Trying to construct and learn the “perfect golf swing”.
Do people swing better with these details in mind? Maybe a little. Sometimes.
Do people perform better on the golf course knowing their smash-factor, spin rates, attack angles and club head speed?
Usually not!
Especially if you aren’t playing on a professional level.
Golf is played by individuals. And you have unique abilities, strengths and weaknesses like everybody.
If you want to play better golf, the change has to come from within you.
And you need to be able to make that change without spending months practicing at the range – or else you lose interest.
So the task of a good golf instructor is to provoke and amplify your own ability to transform your game – with words, demonstration and drills.
A transformation that actually empowers you, builds confidence and brings results you can feel, see and repeat.
The 3 Commandments of a Good Golfer
So we try to do exactly that by focusing on the 3 commandments of a good golfer:
– Always practice golf shots, not your golf swing.
– Be a serious student of the game.
– Look at golf as a series of challenges. Having better solutions to these challenges leads to better scores.
It’s Your Choice
Do you want to look pretty with a cookie-cutter golf swing, or do you actually want to transform your game to become the best golfer you can be?
It’s your choice.
Good at Golf is the place if you want to learn the game inside out and honor your journey while doing so.
For starters, I encourage you to subscribe to my free newsletter.
There you’ll find a lot of no-nonsense golf instructions that goes beyond simplified swing tips and useless golf gibberish, empowering you to transform your game from the inside.
About the Author

Greg is a junior golf coach and currently living with his wife and two sons in Berlin, Germany. Greg loves to play golf, as much as teaching it, science fiction movies and listening to video game music.
“Enjoy the game and go hit some!
— Greg
Photo: “golfer walking and carrying golf bag” © dotshock – photodune.net