When your mental game is astray you play way below your capabilities.
So being cool about your mental game is the basis for playing well.
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When you stay calm and judge every shot with an objective view you naturally play better golf.
But that’s easier said than done. Especially when you are bummed out about a bad shot you wouldn’t even consider possible.
To have a strong mental game you have to be able to deal with pressure situations, stay calm in your mind when things go astray and try to make the best even out of bad preconditions. [clearboth]
So here are 5 Tips to improve your mental game:
5. Blow off some steam
It’s okay to be loud or throw your club if its appropriate.
The pros do it too. Don’t eat it all up.
Don’t over do it and let things get to your head though.
4. Calmness in the storm
After getting things out of your system get calm, real calm.
The more trouble you are in the calmer you have to get.
Take a couple of deep breaths and try to assess the situation realistically.
Which club to use next?
What’s the lie? Do I need to drop?
3. Have Fun
Golf’s about fun. Don’t get stressed out.
Even when you shoot some big banana balls.
You at least have something to laugh about, right?
2. Golf is a process – It always has been and always will be
Never to forget: Nobody plays perfect golf.
You win some. You lose some. Just keep your overall direction towards your best game.
1. Take breaks
If it’s not working out don’t get stressed out and start grinding balls on the range.
Take breaks and come back with a clear mind and a plan about what to do next and what to work on.
So what could you do right now?
Take a piece of paper and write down all the frustrations you currently have with your game.
You’ll be surprised what you’ll come up with and what a relief that exercise can be. Trust me!
Ever thought about starting a golf journal? Maybe that’s a good thing to start with.
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