If you are still struggling with breaking 100 than reducing the number of three putts you have during a round is usually the place where you can shave of strokes the fastest and most consistent way.
Putts should usually make up a maximum of 40 percent of your total score.
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So if you want to be below 100 you shouldn’t use more than 39 putts per round.
Of course you have to keep track to know where you are at. So if you haven’t been writing down your putts lately just reserve a column on your scorecard to do so.
Only then you’ll know how many three putts and overall putts you actually have.
Always Incorporate Some Putting Into Your Training Sessions
Most beginning golfer’s focus on their long game first. Which isn’t a bad idea because you have to start somewhere.
And hitting some decent long shots is usually the most fun anyways . But you can improve your putting quite fast.
You don’t have to invest nearly as much time into your putting as you have to into your long game to see some decent results.
But one thing is for sure; you have to do something.
So if you make it a habit to always roll some rocks every time you visit the range or before you hit the course you already got some valuable training time.
Just focus on the following things and you should be able to reduce the number of three putts per round drastically.
Get the Distance Right
There are basically two main variables that determine whether you make or miss your putts, speed and direction.
The most important factor you should focus on is speed.
If you roll your first putt past the whole at 50 miles per hour you are very unlikely to make your second putt no matter if it scraped the hole. You want to leave yourself in an easy position even if you miss your first putt.
A simple way to work on that is to visualize a line that’s couple of inches behind the hole.
Speedwise you want to roll your putts past the cup but let them stop before the line.
If you manage to do that you will see your putting improve quite a bit.
It’s More Break Than you Think
When it comes to direction there’s only one rule you should keep in mind: play more break than you think.
Meaning the ball will probably curve more than you think and that you should aim more to the right or the left than you think.
Dave Pelz explains in his book Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible (If you want to get serious about your putting game, I highly recommend this book to you.
In great detail that studies have shown that nearly all golfers even the pros tend to play too less break into their putts.
If you think about your missed putts than you’ll probably notice that most of them probably ended up below the cup and not above it which is a sign for not playing enough break.
So always play more break than you think. If you ask yourself how much? More than you think!
If you are interested in more things related to putting check out the chapter about putting in my beginner’s guide to golf.
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