Category: Long Game
Miss The Forest For The Trees – How To Shape Your Shots
Hopefully you have already worked on shaping your shots before. I think even beginners can learn a lot about swing mechanics, if they just try to curve some balls into different directions for some time. The classic situation for a hook or a slice you can read about in many golf books is being in…
Choke Down – Long Game Golf Lesson
For some shots you choke down on the club, e. g. different chip shots. This is not only necessary for the proper technique, but you gain more control, too. Because your hands are closer to the clubface, it gets easier to control it. Some players like Anthony Kim choke down on all their clubs when doing their full swing.…
Pyramid – Long Game Golf Lesson
The question almost every beginning golfer asks is “What do I need fourteen clubs for?”. Most seasoned golfers can probably give an elaborate answer to that question and talk about loft and how different clubs have different purposes. On the other hand they are usually not using all their clubs themselves, not on the range and not on the…
Circuit Training #3 – Long Game Golf Training Circle
I think circuit training is a great way to improve effectively, not only in golf but every sport. Take a short break of 10 to 15 seconds between exercises and do the cycle at least two times in a row except for the warmup. Of course you can do more rounds if you want to and are not too…
Get a Grip! – Long Game Golf Lesson
Most beginning golfers are being shown all the different ways to grip a golf club. The ten finger grip (baseball grip), the Vardon overlap grip and the interlocking grip. The funny thing is that almost nobody actually tries all the different grips to see if they work for them. The usual argument is that no…
Footwork – Long Game Golf Lesson
Since golfers are stationary during their swing, footwork is getting neglected by many. Yet the feet and legs play an important role for a good golf swing. Footwork is a key element for striking the ball well and generating maximum power at impact. There might be players who are more active with their upper body than their lower body.…