
Tag: myth

  • Golf Myths – Myth #4 Keep Your Left Arm Straight

    Golf Myths – Myth #4 Keep Your Left Arm Straight

    The golf swing tip to keep your left arm straight is almost as old as the one to keep your head down. There are multiple opinions about keeping your left arm straight. Well, as always the truth lies in the details. There’s definetely many wrong ways to swing your golf club even if you keep…

  • Golf Myths – Myth #2 Keep your Head Down as Long as Possible

    Golf Myths – Myth #2 Keep your Head Down as Long as Possible

    Lets take a look at another myth.  To keep your head down is probably the oldest and most repeated golf tip in the history of the game. The intend of the tip is to make you keep your spineangle through the shot and thus make better contact with the ball. The truth is that almost…