
Category: Short Game

  • Putting Down the Coins – Short Game Golf Lesson

    Putting Down the Coins – Short Game Golf Lesson

    Many people consider putting a game of its own in the world of golf. In the end a 10 inch putt counts as much as a 300 yard monster drive. On your scorecard are only numbers, no shots. Moreover, virtually every hole ends with having to make a putt. You cannot practice it enough. So the following…

  • Breaking 100 – Get on the Green from 50 Yards in – On Your First Try!

    Breaking 100 – Get on the Green from 50 Yards in – On Your First Try!

    PGA Tour players If ranked in the top 50 of short game statistics will get the ball up and down 90 to 100 percent of the time. Golfers who are struggling to break 100 are more in the less than 10 percent area or doing even worse. If you up that percentage you are well…

  • Stick Your Approach With the Knock Down Golf Shot

    Stick Your Approach With the Knock Down Golf Shot

    Sticking your approach – even with difficult pin positions: The knock down shot is usually the forst choice of the pros. To attack a tight pin with a regular pitch shot is usually a dangerous situation. Depending on the position of the pin, the condition of the green and the speed of the wind the…

  • Spin it! – How to Put Backspin on the Golf Ball

    Spin it! – How to Put Backspin on the Golf Ball

    The tour players do it all the time. They put so much spin on the ball that their approaches roll back after they hit the ground. They can even do it with their normal iron shots, too. These shots do not just look cool, but are also valuable tools to work the ball.[clearboth] For example you…

  • State of Mind – Use a Pre-Shot Routine to Unlock Your Short Game

    State of Mind – Use a Pre-Shot Routine to Unlock Your Short Game

    Many golfers seem to have a problem with their short game. I don’t even mean this in terms of their technique. It seems to be more of a mental problem that gets stronger and stronger the closer they get to the golf hole. Is this you? This syndrome mustn’t be a physical problem. Topping the…

  • Chipping Like a Champ

    Chipping Like a Champ

    More than often amateur golfers aren’t able to chip their ball within 6 feet of the flagstick. Statistically the tour pros sink only 55 percent of their putts from 6 feet away. This means that that it’s very likely for most amateur golfers to miss a putt that’s even farther away. During a round of…